
An important part of being sustainable year after year is raising enough money to support our team.

Fundraising allows Manitoulin Metal to develop both technically and as a program by providing sufficient funds to grow and expand our team, meet our outreach goals, and achieve carbon neutrality.

Fundraisers Initiatives

Youth and families dedicate time to organizing fundraisers that help build the team’s profile in the community. These include ongoing initiatives like the partnerships with TrueEarth and children's book sales through local retailers and Amazon (Robofriends and the Mow Zone and I is for Innovation, and more to come).

Short-term fundraisers include community dinners, bake sales, e-waste drives, Krispy Kreme donut sales, merchandise sales, and crowdfunding through CanadaHelps for specific projects (such as supporting a trip to the World Championships).

Sponsorships & Donations

Sponsors and community donors provide an enormous benefit to the team. Small and large businesses are valuable contributors to Robotics activities and team development. Sponsors are partners with Manitoulin Metal and contribute to the success of the team, both in competition and in supporting STEM education for youth.

Become a Sponsor


Grants are a great way to support team goals, and are offered from a variety of sources to fund teams that meet their criteria. Manitoulin Metal looks for and applies to many community, STEM, and robotics grants.

Annual Budget

Fundraising covers a large portion of annual expenditures to ensure Robotics is accessible to everyone who is interested.

2x Regional, Provincials 2x Regional, Provincials
$15,000 $6,000 $30,000




2x Regional, Provincials

2x Regional, Provincials




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© 2024 Manitoulin Metal Robotics. Website created by Priscilla N. Trejo